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An Tornapa Mór Millteach

by An Gúm


€ 4.50 

ISBN: 9781857914993

Is breá le páistí leis na céadta bliain na scéalta clasaiceacha agus na síscéalta.Tá an síscéal cóirithe go húr agus curtha i láithir go soléir sothuigthe agus maisithe go gealgháireach.

The Enormous Turnip

Children have adored the classic stories and fairytales for hundreds of years. The tale is freshly retold and presented in an easily understood way and cheerfully illustrated.

Aois/Age: 4 - 7

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Cover of An Tornapa Mór Millteach - An Gúm - 9781857914993Hardback

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