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Dunmharu Ar An Dart

by Ruaidhri O'Baille


€ 6.00 

ISBN: 9781874700050

Nil Niall O Briain sasta ann fein. Ta se tuirseach da phost mar mhuinteoir, ta se tuirseach de scolairi mar Bill 'Brean' O Ruairc a thugann Rothweilers ar scoil 'don chraic', agus ta se tuirseach de thuismitheoiri a dheanann 'jabanna' ar mhuinteoiri nach maith leo. Nuair a bhordalann se an Dart la ar a bhealach chun na scoile, i ngan fhios do fein, cuireann se tus le turas a thabharfaidh timpeall na hEorpa e, agus a athroidh a shaol o bhun go barr
Niall O Brien is unhappy and tired of his job as school teacher. He is tired of students like "Dirty" Billy O Roarke who brings Rothweiler to school for fun, and he is tired of parents who snipe at teachers they don't like. When he boards the Dart on his way to school one morning he doesn't know that it is the start of a trip which will take him around Europe and turn his life upside down.

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Cover of Dunmharu Ar An Dart - Ruaidhri O'Baille - 9781874700050Paperback

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Leabhair As Gaeilge

Novels As Gaeilge