€ 11.85
ISBN: 9784824152244
Gary Gormley e de longe o garoto mais inteligente da escola, mas tem dois problemas. O primeiro e que ele e sua mae doente sao muito pobres. O outro esta na relacao com dois valentoes da escola chamados Nick e Dick, que pretendem tornar a vida de Gary um inferno.No entanto, a ajuda esta perto, tanto atraves de uma amiga da escola chamada Emily Truss quanto de uma poderosa aliada enviada do futuro: o robo humanoide prototipo 100XL - A avozinha-robo. Com a ajuda do incrivel avozinha-robo, e hora de Gary dar a volta por cima contra os valentoes.Uma aventura cheia de acao, Gary e a avozinha-robo e uma leitura divertida e rapida para criancas e jovens adolescentes.
Gary Gormley is by far the smartest kid in school, but he has two problems. The first is that he and his sick mother are very poor. The other is in the relationship with two school bullies called Nick and Dick, who intend to make Gary's life hell. However, help is close at hand, both through a school friend called Emily Truss and a powerful ally sent from the future: the humanoid robot prototype 100XL - The robot grandmother. With the help of the amazing Robot Grandma, it's time for Gary to fight back against the bullies. An action-packed adventure, Gary and Robot Grandma is a fun, quick read for kids and young teens.
78 pages.
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Date of Publication: 09/10/2022