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Introduction to Financial Accounting

by Gary L. Sundem

€ 109.18 

ISBN: 9780130323712

Introduction to Financial Accounting, 8ed, describes the most widely used accounting theory and practice with an emphasis on what accounting is rather than what it should be. Introduction to Financial Accounting, 8ed, takes the view that business is an exciting process and that accounting is the perfect window through which to see how economic events affect businesses. Because we believe that accounting aids the understanding of economic events and that accounting builds on simple principles, this book introduces a number of concepts earlier than other textbooks. These early introductions are at the simplest level and are illustrated with carefully chose examples from real companies.

Our Philosophy

Introduce the simple concepts early, revisit concepts at more complex levels as students gain understanding, and provide appropriate real-company examples at every stage - that's our philosophy.

736 pages.

8th Edition

Out of Print.

Another edition of this book may be available. Please contact us.

Date of Publication: 13/08/2001

Cover of Introduction to Financial Accounting - Gary L. Sundem - 9780130323712Hardback

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