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Maths Time 3 - 3rd Class

by Seán O'Boyle


€ 9.95 

ISBN: 9781845366001

Maths Time is a full-colour maths activity book to develop and consolidate mental arithmetic skills.
This fun full-colour series includes a wide range of questions covering all strands of the mathematics curriclum .
Each section consists of three differentaited sets of excerises that have been colour-coded to indicate the level of difficulty .
A Clear child-friendly marking system rewards pupils and allows them to evaluate their own learning.
A "Words of the week" feature helps pupils to familiarise themselves with mathematical terminology developing literacy and numeracy skills.
Key Elements of the book include:
Differentiation - Each day is broken into three sections so that all pupils are tested.
Pair Work - Pupils are given tasks where they work with a partner in a controlled structure that will not disrupt the rest of the class.
Assessment - Pupils can self assess and monitor their progressthrough the unique star system.
Challenge Time - Weekly " Challenge Time" tasks also provide extra work for early finishers to tackle while the rest of the class finish their daily questions.
Words of the Week - Each week pupils are provided with a vocabulary section which will help them to grow and learn to use the mathematical language.
Number Lines - From patterns and sequences to fractions and decimals, pupils are tested through weekly number lines.

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Cover of Maths Time 3 - 3rd Class - Seán O'Boyle - 9781845366001Paperback

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