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Punk Agus Scealta Eile

by Ré Ó'Laighléis


€ 9.00 

ISBN: 9781899922048

Nua-aoiseachas, spreagthacht agus eachtraiocht den scoth is saintreithe do na sarscealta samhlaiocha seo. Ta cail an Laighleisigh mar cheannrodai sa deaglitriocht aitheanta go naisiunta agus go hidirnaisiunta. Cas an iochtarain is speis leis sa chnuasach iogair seo - e iolbhristeach spleodrach dushlanach o thus deireadh - agus e de shior ag cur in aghaidh na cneamhaireachta ud is cuis le hiochtarain a bheith ann.
The downtrodden and those whom modern society has conveniently forgotten, provide the backgrounds for this superb collection of short stories from Re O Laighleis. An ideal companion volume for those who have read and enjoyed Ecstasy.

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Cover of Punk Agus Scealta Eile - Ré Ó'Laighléis - 9781899922048Paperback

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Leabhair As Gaeilge

Novels As Gaeilge