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Theory of Music Made Easy Grade 1

by Lina Ng


ISBN: 9789679852936

This first book presents the fundamentals of theory divided into short chapters. There are revision chapters, covering two topics at one time, alongside cheerful illustrations, making learning more fun. Contents:

  • Time Values (Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet, Quaver)
  • Time Signatures (2/4, 3/4, 4/4)
  • Notes On The Stave (Treble And Bass)
  • Semiquaver
  • Rests
  • Ties
  • Dotted Notes
  • Accidentals (sharp, flat, natural)
  • Semitones and Tones
  • Key Signatures (F Sharp, C Sharp, C Sharp, B Flat)
  • Scales (C, G, D And F)
  • Major Intervals (2nd To Octave) and Tonic Triads
  • Rhythm Writing (Two-Bar Rhythm)
  • Performance Directions (Terms And Signs)
  • General Exercises
  • Know Your Italian Terms (Game)

48 pages.

€ 6.25 

In Stock.

Usually despatched in 2-5 working days.

Date of Publication: 16/05/2003

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