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Translation and Censorship: Patterns of Communication and Interference

by Eilean Ní Chuilleanain


€ 55.00 

ISBN: 9781846821431

Complex and paradoxical links between translation and censorship are explored in this wide-ranging collection of essays, written by fifteen scholars from eight countries.
Contents include:
Maria Tymoczko (U Mass., Amherst), Censorship and self-censorship in translation * Piotr Kuhiwczak (U Warwick), Censorship as a collaborative project * Elisabeth Gibbels (Humboldt U, Berlin), Translators: the tacit censors? * Carol O'Sullivan (U Portsmouth), Censoring the classics * Eilean NiChuilleanin with Deirdre Serjeantson (TCD), The Petrarch they tried to ban * Jane Dunnett (U Wales Swansea), Censorship of foreign literature in Fascist Italy * Aoife Gallagher (TCD), Pasternak's Hamlet * Cristina Gomez Castro (U Leon), Lawrence Durrell's Justine and Spanish censorship under Franco * Filipe Machado (U Vigo), 100 years of Portuguese translations * Gerri Kimber (Queen Mary, U London), The French perception of Katherine Mansfield * Angelika Nikolowski-Bogomoloff (U Helsinki), Translations of children's literature * Cormac O Cuilleanin (TCD), Remedies for political incorrectness * Sarah Smyth (TCD), Remixes of the Orange revolution anthem.

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Translation and Censorship: Patterns of Communication and Interference also appears in these Categories:

Literary Criticism