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Adventures In Social Research

by Earl Babbie

€ 41.06 

ISBN: 9780761986768

The Fourth Edition of this bestselling textbook has been completely rewritten and expanded to provide a comprehensive introduction to social research, invaluable for more experienced students and those with no prior experience of computers. The book is suitable for use with Windows 95 and with the SPSS software versions 7.0 and 7.5. The book is accompanied by a diskette carrying current United States' General Social Survey (GSS) data.

The authors teach students how to analyze issues in social science using the GSS data and how to use SPSS, the most widely used professional program. They also provide step-by-step instructions illustrated with Windows screens.

Out of Print.

Another edition of this book may be available. Please contact us.

Cover of Adventures In Social Research - Earl Babbie - 9780761986768Paperback

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