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Deargadh Anoir

by Iarla Mac Aodha Bhui


€ 10.00 

ISBN: 9781739255152

Tá sé ina chogadh dearg sa Spáinn. Ag súil le tearmann a bhaint amach teitheann teaghlach siar i dtreo na teorann. Beidh turas fada crua roimh an leaid óg Alejo trína thír féin agus tíortha eile i bhfad i gcéin. An mbeidh deireadh leis an gcogaíocht go deo?

Bhuaigh an leabhar seo duais ag Comórtais Liteartha an Oireachtas 2020

‘Úrscéal iontach dea-scríte … fínéid chumhachtacha ar an gcogadh sa Spáinn’

- Moltóirí an Oireachtais

Spain is in the midst of a bloody war. Hoping to reach safety, a family flees towards the border. The young lad, Alejo, will have a long journey ahead of him, across his own country and through other countries far away. Will there ever be an end to the fighting?

This book was awarded a prize at the Oireachtas Literary Competitions in 2020.

'An extremely well-written novel ... powerful vignettes of the Spanish Civil War'

- The Oireachtas Judges

92 pages.

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Date of Publication: 03/11/2023

Cover of Deargadh Anoir - Iarla Mac Aodha Bhui - 9781739255152Paperback

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