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Poems In Profile

by Brian Blaney

ISBN: 9780956281012

Brian Blaney, is a regular reader at the White House Open-Mic, and the recently established, On The Nail poetry sessions. A former member of the Limerick Writer's Group (LWG) in the early '90's, his work has been published in Revival, Microphone On, Two Rivers Meet, The Limerick Leader and has been read at Open-Mic venues, and poetry readings, including Listowel Writer's week. A special reading (by Mike Finn) of 'Manhattan Skyline' was performed at a commemoration in the Augustinian Church, Limerick, to mark the tragedy of September 11. Drawing on his wide work experience (artist/deisgner, industrial worker, firefighter and writer), his poetry explores issues with a keen eye, for social injustice. Altough not afraid to tackle international issues ('Benign Neglect'), ('Solzhenitzen's Sword), as a native of Limerick (Thomondgate), his love, and concern, for his native City is evidenced by poems such as 'By The River', and 'Statute Instrument...', the latter laying bare the socio-political backdrop to the long-promised regeneration of disadvantaged areas. The almost forgotten reasons for peace in Northern Ireland ('Chasm of Darkness') and the horrors of Institutional Child Abuse ('The Wise Men Have Gone To The Hills Again'), highlight an acute awareness of power struggles and suffering within society at large.

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