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The Simple Life

by Catherine Richardson


€ 17.99 

ISBN: 9781803520964

This book is a treasure, clear, concise, with invaluable practical information. It is thouht provoking and helpful in every area of life!

Catherine has huge faith and believes in everyday miracles, from a glorious sunset to the birth of a baby. She is guided in all she does. Catherine is one of the few who can combine Spirituality with her day-to-day living. She has a zest for life.

Catherine's aim in this book is to pass these attributes to her reader.

Catherine was born in West Limerick on the Kerry border. She is now married and living in East Limerick with her husband and dog. Caitherine qualiied as a nurse, trained in Reflexology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and CRanio-Sacral Therapy. In her clinic, she combunes theses therapis with the gift of healing.

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The Simple Life also appears in these Categories:

Mind, Body & Spirit